Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bearing Co., Ltd. Yantai Ximeng Xi

聽聽聽 搴旂敤鍥涚彮ERP绯荤粺鍚庯紝鐑熷彴瑗胯挋瑗垮ぇ骞呭害鏀瑰杽浜嗙敓浜с?璐㈠姟鍜屽簱瀛樼鐞嗐? Annual inventory turns from 1.5 times to 2.5 times, on time delivery rate from 80% to over 98%, inventory accuracy from 80% to 100%, the financial checkout time from 7 to 10 heaven as one day .


Yantai Ximeng Xi Bearing Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: Yantai Ximeng Xi) Department of China National Machinery Import & Export Corporation and the Hong Kong Huayang Industrial Co., Ltd. was built in 1989, a joint venture to manufacture tapered roller bearing series based joint venture total investment of 120 million RMB, now production capacity has reached 12 million sets, 70% of the exports of the Americas, Europe, Southeast Asia, in recent years to maintain stability and product quality improvement has been in the international market and establish a "CMC" a good brand image.

In order to product quality management standards and international standards to meet the requirements of international trade, Yantai Xi Mengxi in July 1994 formally adopted by DNV and ISO9002 Quality Certification Center of China commodity inspection, quality system certification, in November 1999 by DNV, QS9000 quality system certification in 2002 through the ISO/TS16949 quality system certification for the implementation of management information strategy and lay a solid foundation.


聽聽聽 1993骞达紝鐑熷彴瑗胯挋瑗夸负閫傚簲鍙戝睍闇?锛岀粨鍚堝綋鏃剁殑鏉′欢鑷寮?彂浜嗚储鍔¤蒋浠讹紝鍒濇绠?寲浜嗗嚟璇佹眹鎬荤殑绻佺悙宸ヤ綔锛屽苟鍙互鐢熸垚绠?崟鐨勮储鍔℃姤琛ㄣ?浣嗘槸璇ヨ蒋浠舵棤娉曞府鍔╅殢鏃剁洃鎺х敓浜ц繃绋嬩腑鍚勭鍘熻緟鏉愭枡鐨勬秷鑰楀強缁撳瓨鎯呭喌锛屼笉鑳借В鍐充骇渚涢攢鍙婅储鍔′俊鎭殑鍙婃椂娌熼?闂锛屼篃涓嶈兘涓ユ牸鐩戠潱甯傚満棰勬祴銆佺敓浜ц鍒掑強閲囪喘璁″垝鐨勮鎺ユ儏鍐点? Only reference to the market forecast production plan development, sales, inventory, production is not good communication between departments, resulting in inventories of raw materials and finished a large backlog. 鈥滆储鍔℃牳绠楁洿鏄箒鏉傦紝鈥濊储鍔$粡鐞嗘潹涓芥晱濂冲+娣辨湁鎰熻Е鍦拌锛氣?闈㈠姣忔湀涓婁竾绗旂殑鍑哄叆搴撳崟鎹紝瀹屽叏鏄汉宸ユ眹鎬伙紝鑰屼笖涓嶈兘淇濊瘉鏁版嵁鐨勫噯纭?銆傝储鍔℃姤琛ㄩ兘鏄汉宸ュ綍鍏ユ姤琛ㄤ腑锛屾瘡骞村嚑娆$殑鍐呭瀹¤璧勬枡鐨勫~鎶ュ氨璁╄储鍔¢儴蹇欏緱涓嶄害涔愪箮銆傝櫧鐒跺綋鏃惰储鍔¢儴鍏辨湁12涓汉锛堜笉鍖呮嫭杞﹂棿鏍哥畻鍛橈級锛岀粨甯愭椂闂翠粛闇?涓冭嚦鍗佸ぉ銆傝?鏇村ぇ鐨勯棶棰樻槸鏃犳硶瀹炵幇淇℃伅鍏变韩锛屾棤娉曞疄鐜拌储鍔¢儴瀵圭敓浜ц繃绋嬭繘琛屽畬鍏ㄧ洃鎺с?鈥?br />
Four classes (Fourth Shift) solution

聽聽聽 闅忕潃璁$畻鏈虹瀛︿互鎯婁汉鐨勯?搴﹀悜鍓嶅彂灞曪紝缃戠粶鎶?湳鐨勫叴璧蜂负MRPII锛堝埗閫犺祫婧愯鍒掞級杞欢鐨勫彂灞曞垱閫犱簡鑹ソ鐨勬潯浠躲?1997骞村叕鍙哥鐞嗗眰鍙婃椂鐪嬪埌浜嗗叾涓暣钘忕殑宸ㄥぇ娼滃姏锛屾淳鍑虹浉鍏抽儴闂ㄧ粡鐞嗚繎10浜哄埌缁忔祹鍙戣揪鐨勫崕涓滃湴鍖鸿繘琛屼簡璇﹀敖鑰冨療锛屾渶缁堣涓哄洓鐝郴缁熷畬鍏ㄧ鍚堝叕鍙哥殑杩垏闇?锛屾?浠锋瘮濂戒笖鑳介?搴斿叕鍙告湭鏉ョ殑鍙戝睍锛屼粠鑰岄?瀹氬洓鐝郴缁熶綔涓虹儫鍙拌タ钂欒タMRPII淇℃伅绠$悊绯荤粺锛屽悗鏉ュ崌绾т负ERP绯荤粺銆?br />
Good beginning is half the success. The management of the company in accordance with the MRPII management ideas of the original made appropriate adjustments, greatly strengthened the power of information technology management for the future operation of the system laid the foundation. The company increased the production line control personnel department, the material on the production process to effectively control and improve the storage of materials management, Mingquehuafen the boundaries of material and fund management, and Combining product structure management, strengthened supplier control. 97 years in December Ximeng Xi started a total of four system implementation, to 98 years in July a total of four systems of financial and manufacturing modules formally completed the integration of the formal use of the system up.

Four classes of the advantages of the system is gradually revealed in the operation, in particular, behave in the following areas most prominent:

1銆佸簽澶х殑淇℃伅鏁版嵁搴撳瓨鍌ㄥ鍔熻兘涓哄叕鍙稿悇閮ㄩ棬浠庝笉鍚岀殑瑙掑害鎻愬彇璐㈠姟鍜岀敓浜ф暟鎹彁渚涗簡渚垮埄锛屽悓鏃跺叕鍙搁珮灞傜鐞嗕汉鍛樺彲浠ラ殢鏃舵煡鐪嬪悇涓幆鑺傜殑鍒濆鏁版嵁銆?br />
2銆佸疄鐜颁簡淇℃伅鐨勫畬鍏ㄥ叡浜? Marketing departments will be sales orders, sales forecasts to the relevant screen entry, production planning department can produce according to market information issued by the main program, Purchasing Department will check the relevant procurement plan, the Company may at any time to maintain a rolling master production plan. Yantai Ximeng Xi finished workshop for the sales order to production in the middle of the production processes are adjusted according to sales forecasts in a timely manner, so that stocks of finished products, Yantai Ximeng Xi sharp decline in inventories in June 2003 1.8 million units, in September dropped to 1.09 million sets of occupied stock funds alone would save 4 million yuan.


4, the annual inventory turns from 1.5 times to 2.5 times, on time delivery rate from 80% to over 98%, inventory accuracy from 80% to 100%.


6, detailed cost accounting function can be calculated to work out the cost of each workshop, you can also develop full cost pricing for the sale to provide accurate basis.

7, four classes have multi-dimensional query system summary function.璐㈠姟閮ㄩ棬鍙互閫夋嫨涓嶅悓鐨勫紑鎴疯銆佷笉鍚屼細璁℃湡閽堝涓嶅悓鐨勪緵搴斿晢銆佸鎴凤紝鎸夊彂绁ㄥ彿銆佷粯娆炬敮绁ㄥ彿銆佺幇閲戦泦銆侀噰璐叆搴撶殑璁㈠崟鍙枫?琛屽彿銆佹敹娆剧幇閲戦泦绛夌瓑锛屾牴鎹渶瑕佽缃笉鍚岀殑甯愮粍锛屽垎绫绘眹鎬汇?

8銆佸彲浠ユ湁鏁堢畝鍖栬储鍔′笌鍚勫簱鎴跨殑鏍稿鎵嬬画銆?Finance Department monthly production database directly extract data, conduct verification.

9, four classes of system functions well the company and local tax, finance, audit departments to establish mutual trust, mutual cooperation relationships, which enhance the company's credibility and reputation played a great role in promoting.


"A total of four representatives of ERP system is undoubtedly an advanced management model," Finance Manager Miss Yang Limin concluded, "through the use of four classes of ERP, a significant reduction in inventories of finished goods our company, senior management can always monitor the profits, income and expenses of the occurrence situation, production planning accuracy and on time delivery rate increased substantially. a total of four systems to help us more effectively manage, to ensure that our management efficiency and operational success. With the continuous development of its business in China, we are exploring the ISO/TS16949 quality standard combine with a total of four systems. we have reason to believe with the deepening of cooperation with the four classes of information management for the company's development will provide better support to take off for the Yantai Ximeng Xi contribute. "


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